Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Brother Baby is a SISTER!!!

We had our big ultrasound on Monday and were so thankful to find that we are having a healthy baby in October!

The only major surprise was that our "Brother Baby" is a GIRL!

Can you say SHOCK!?!?!

Say What??? It's A Girl???!!!

After news this big there's was only one way we could think to celebrate - Ice Cream!!

Thank you Mimi for going with me to the appointment and giving Rhett the news! Poor Daddy was boarding a flight and texting Mimi back and forth during the appointment. She had to tell him via text! I'm pretty sure he was stunned the entire flight!!

We had planned a day of shopping for boy things after the appointment but when we found out we were already set - we shopped anyway! Mimi found these darling pj's and got them for the girls!

It's definitely a Girl Thing at our house!!!
Thank you God for blessing us with these precious healthy girls and a Daddy with patience only you can provide to love us through our drama!!

1 comment:

  1. Ashley, I found your blog through Chassidy...such sweet girls you have! And so stinkin' cute!

    I am so happy for you and your third baby girl coming! Isn't it funny how some of us have 3 of each? I have three boys..Kizzy Webb has 3 boys...

    I will be watching to keep updated on your newest addition. And I will be praying for a healthy pregnancy.

    Laura Grunewald
