Tuesday, September 1, 2009

First Day of School!

Today was the big day - First Day of School! Vivian started Pre-K and Addison is in the 2 year old class. They were both so excited!

We got up early this morning and started in on our morning checklist.

Getting two ready for school takes a little more organization so we came up with a plan. The girls each have a checklist. I put pictures beside the words so they can see what needs to be done and as we complete something, they get to check it off! It worked pretty well!! We were on-time and even got to take lots of pictures!!
Saying Cheese...

Tired of saying cheese...

Vivian at school! Such a big Pre-K kid!!

Outside her class. I had to call her back out to give me a hug and kiss. She was so excited she just went right in without even saying bye! She loves school!

Miss Addison outside her class

Giving Ms. Brandi (her teacher's assistant) her first day of school present

Addie and Ms. Kristin (her teacher)

Yeah! It was a great First Day!

After school we went for ice cream so I could hear all about it. It was pretty funny. We've been practicing the last few days learning Ms. Kristin and Ms. Brandi's name so now every question I asked Addie, I.E. What was your favorite part of school today? Did you make lots of friends today? Her answer was always Ms. Kristin and Ms. Brandi. I think she's got their names down now! Vivian said she had a great day! She is in Ms. Kaycie's class again (Ms. Kaycie was her teacher for her first year of school in the 2 year old class) and she couldn't be happier! She's been upstairs pretending to be Ms. Kaycie and playing school with Addie since we got home!

I'm so thrilled they love school! Thank you God for blessing us with these wonderful teachers!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing the new pictures...it blows my mind Vivi is in Pre-K...my oh my how time flies.
