Monday, July 18, 2011

Swimming for Bears!

This was a big summer for swimming at the Laubach house! Vivian and Addison both learned to swim without floaties, Vivi jumped off the board, Addie jumped off the side and Emerlyn had her first swim!

Emmy Kate loving her first time in the pool!

Click here to watch Emerlyn's First Swim!

We got a little pool for the girls to splash in when it was crazy hot!

Sister smiles!

She loves the pool even without any water!

As the girls were swimming better and better, they wanted some challenges. They had both been asking for a Build A Bear but we hadn't ever gotten them one before. We told Vivian if she jumped off the diving board, caught her breath and then swam to the shallow end of the pool, she could get a Bear. Addison's goal was to jump of one side, catch her breath and then swim to the other side. Needless to say, we have 2 new Build A Bears and 2 girls who are swimming like fish!

The girls were too excited to wait for Daddy to come home so we made lots of videos so he wouldn't miss anything!

Build A Bear is really cute! You pick which animal you want, pick a heart for it and then they go through this darling little ditty where the girls rubbed the hearts on their tummies so their bears would never be hungry, rubbed it on their ears so they would always listen, etc.

Next they push the pedal on the stuffing machine to make their bears fluffy.

Addison filling her bear.

Vivian adding the stuffing to hers.

Next was bath time. They used the air showers to get their fur super clean and soft!

Here's the video of the bear bath!

After getting their bears dressed in the perfect outfit, they named them and typed up their birth certificates and then the new bears were complete!

Here's Vivian telling all about her first experience at Build A Bear!

Addison explaining how she built her bear!

Vivian with her bear, Giggles and Addison with her bear, Magic!

Girls we are so proud of you for being brave this summer and learning to swim! It was so fun celebrating you both making your goals!

We love you up to Jesus!

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