Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Celebrating 9 Months!

Emerlyn's 9 month well-child visit was on July 20, 2011.

She is 28 inches long, 19.1 pounds.

She loved the turtles on the wall!

Dr. Stephens said she could start drinking whole milk in a sippy cup.

She loves it! She still takes a bottle of formula at bed times but she drinks milk all day long.

Even out to eat she gets to drink her milk like a big girl!

She is really pulling up on everything and crawling crazy fast!

On her 9 month birthday, her big sisters threw her a party!

I love that the girls like to plan parties as much as their Mommy!

After cake, it was time for playing! We have a set of 100 plastic balls and put them all in the tub for Emmy to play with.

It was lots of fun until she figured out how to reach up and turn the water on!!

Look! We're even getting bed head!! Yeah! Her hair is growing.

She has added 4 top teeth for a total of 6!

She is still all smiles and giggles!

She will stand up in the middle of the room now! She has probably figured out this is a fast way to get our attention because we think she might start walking any time!

Three precious princesses!

I love these faces!

Emerlyn, we can't imagine a baby who could have made our lives any better! We are all crazy about you!

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