Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Summer Fun!

We have had a great summer!  We didn't really do anything big or go on any vacations but we had a ton of fun just laying low and being together!  Here are some of our highlights:

We spent a lot of time at the library.  Both Vivian and Addison read all summer long.

Even Emerlyn read to her baby!

The big girls are teaching Emmy to love books too!
We played lots of blocks
We painted our fingernails and toenails.  Love the sad look on Emerlyn's face.  She really didn't want to pose for pictures.
The girls went cruising around the yard...
Emmy Kate is in a major Monkey See, Monkey Do phase!  Love the pic above and below.  She thinks she's just as big as her sisters!

Vivian and Addison came down one morning like this to tell me bye.  They were going to fly to California to stay with their cousins. The fact that they don't actually have any cousins in California didn't slow them down at all!
We played with locusts and had lots of fun with their shells!

They made balloon families.  Each balloon had a name and personality. 
They spent lots of time in the pool and even rested nearby so they could jump right back in!
Picnic by the pool

Splashing in our little pool wasn't quite the same but when the temp was 100+ we made do!
G got the girls snorkels and they loved them!  Maybe soon they can try it in the ocean!

Addison made another big stride this year by jumping off the diving board.  She just got out of the pool one time and walked to the board and jumped.  After she came up she announced she wanted to do it 100 more times!

If it's possible, Emerlyn has found even more personality this summer!  She loves to dance and constantly keeps us laughing.

We went to the movies every Tuesday and even caught a few other new releases.  This was the night we went to Brave!
We went with Daddy to one of his banquets.  The girls always get a kick out of seeing Daddy at work.

It was really nice to just have some time to stay close to home and play. We soaked up lots of family time and although I know we are ready for the routine of school again I will miss these girls so much when they are gone all day!!

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