Monday, May 11, 2009

Flooded with Love on Mother's Day!

The Luckiest, Happiest, Most Thankful Mommy and Her Girls!

On Thursday, I got to go to Vivian's School for a special Mother's Day Tea! It was precious!!!

Mommy and Vivian

Vivian and Ms. Casey reading a poem she helped write for me.
(The parts she filled in are bolded).

My Mommy by Vivian

My Mommy is so special,
She likes carrots to eat.
My Mommy has dark hair
And her talking on the phone just can't be beat!
Her eyes are a lovely blue;
They look really swell.
What I like best is that she hugs and kisses so well.
She's very smart and knows a lot, I'm told.
That's because she's 13 years old.
I know my Mommy perfectly,
She will say it's true.
Because I know that loving me
Is the greatest thing she'll do!

Vivi loved the punch - since she usually doesn't get juice she thought it was so special that she got to drink the punch so she had 3 glasses!

On Friday the girls and I went to the Sweet and Sassy salon where they got mani's and pedi's and loved every minute! They did great and sat so still! I let them pick their own colors. Vivi went with orange fingers with pink polka dots and yellow toes with sparkles. Addie went with pink nails with orange dots and blue toes with sparkles. They looked fantastic as Vivi would say!

So excited and ready to be pampered!

It's a rough life for these two! - How cute is this place!?!
Saturday morning we were all ready to walk out the door for Uncle Adam's graduation from OSU! (Yeah Adam!!) The girls were upstairs where Vivi was supposed to be going to the bathroom one more time before we left. All of a sudden Rhett starts screaming at me to Get Upstairs! I take off running and when I open the door to their bathroom there is 3 inches of standing water!!! Addie had decided to try the big potty again and used the entire roll of toilet paper. When she flushed the water came out and since they both thought this was funny - she continued to flush it over and over! Water was pouring through the light fixtures in the kitchen downstairs - pouring - not dripping!!! It was a HUGE mess!! Luckily, we were able to clean it up quickly and it seems no real permanent damage was done!

Saturday night, Mimi and G and Manmae and Uncle Adam all came to stay with us. We woke up Sunday and Rhett made us a delicious breakfast that we ate outside on the patio. We watched Mimi push the girls on the swings and although the I think the pictures of this are adorable - Mimi would probably get onto me for posting them considering she's still in her pj's and robe!! When we finally came in - Rhett made his awesome fajitas for lunch and we opened presents. It was an awesome Mother's Day!! Thank you Rhett for spoiling us!

Go figure we actually get a picture with all the girls smiling and it has Rhett being a dork in the background! I still love this pic!

Hope everyone had an outstanding Mother's Day!

1 comment:

  1. That poem is hilarious!!!! My favorite...that you like carrots....seriously, you eat veggies and you're 13! I LOVE IT!!!!!

    Love you
