Saturday, August 20, 2011

10 Months and On the Go!

At 10 months, Emerlyn's big step was literally her first steps! One of the girls got out the Pooh walker and she loved it. She was doing laps around the house that afternoon! She took a few steps completely on her own but none for the camera!

Click here to watch Emerlyn walking and Vivian giving the narrative.

Love this one. Look at those rolls!

Click here to see her pushing Pooh

Here's another video of more of the same.

Please excuse my high pitch squeals and Mommy voice. You'd think by the third baby walking I would have learned to control that voice but it's still just way to exciting!

I think Emmy may have her Daddy's love of music! She will stop whatever she's doing when music comes on and start bouncing or rocking!

She is trying hard to figure out Addison's giant piano.

She tried swinging for the first time and loved it (not that this picture shows it). Mommy was struggling to balance the camera, push her and keep close enough to make sure she was okay!

Emmy also moved to a big girl car seat. She's still facing backwards but really likes sitting up like her sisters!

Sweet girl you are getting so big! I love you up to Jesus!

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