Sunday, September 23, 2012

Oh La La It's Beauty Day!

I owe a BIG thank you to my Aunt Ruth for this!!  She got the girls a Fancy Nancy book called:  Oh La La It's Beauty Day.  Cute book and of course the minute the girls read it they wanted to make it happen!

In the book, Fancy Nancy decides to give her Mom and spa day and makeover for her birthday.  The girls didn't want to wait that long so they thought it would be a nice treat to do now!

They started with a mask.  Fancy Nancy made hers out of oatmeal and mushed bananas but I told the girls they could use one of Mommy's real masks instead.  

Since we didn't have any cucumbers in the house the girls had to improvise.  After much discussion and several ideas including pickles, they settled on Nilla Wafers!  Addie brought back a bowl of them, two for my eyes and the rest for snacks while they worked!

Next was a manicure.  Emerlyn was right in the middle of everything ready to help out too.

Vivian did a great job with the polish!!

Next was the pedicure.  The girls had a bowl of water and used some of their marbles from their marble jar to put in the bottom of the instead of rocks.  We took a small timeout here when a bottle of blue nail polish accidentally got knocked off the counter and shattered on the floor.  Thankfully, the girls were super smart in setting up the salon on the tile in the bathroom and after some nail polish remover and a vacuum we were back in business!

After the pedicure, we moved on to make-up.  There was lots of giggling here!!  

Addie picked out bright red lipstick for Vivi to use!

Hair time!  Emmy Kate never lost interest!  She was in the room the whole time.

Addison provided entertainment while I waited!

One of the fanciest up-do's I've ever had!

Looking relaxed and extra fancy!

Not sure what Emmy was thinking here but it's hilarious!!

Worn out after working so hard to make Mommy pretty...

Or just playing possum?!!

I am so thankful God has blessed me with these three amazing girls!! They are more than I could have ever hoped for and I love them so much my heart feels like it could burst sometimes!!

(I'm also thankful for a patient husband who may not always understand the girls' need to be fancy but appreciates their creativity and loves them up to Jesus too)!!

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