Sunday, November 1, 2009

Storybook Forest and a Weekend of Funnies!

Storybook Forest - one of our Favorite Halloween activities!! It is just around the corner from us at Arcadia Lake and it is by far one of the best events for young kids!! The girls love it and look forward to it every year.
It is set up so you walk through a trail and instead of scary scenes you come to storybook scenes - 3 Little Pigs, Humpty Dumpty, Little Red Riding Hood, etc. Each scene has live characters handing out candy and the story you can read part of as you walk through. You can see why it is our favorite...
Entering the gate. You can barely see the banner above that reads "Once Upon a Time!"

The girls with Daddy as the cow jumps over the moon!

The girls, Mommy and Humpty Dumpty!

Peter Pumpkin Eater - There's actually a lady dressed up and sitting in the pumpkin passing candy through the window!

The girls with Red Riding Hood and her "grandmother"!

After we walked through the forest we played all kinds of games and then while Daddy got the stuff to make smore's in the fire pit the girls sat down to listen to the books they were reading! (Did I mention I love this place)!!
They were so cute sitting there together. Every now and again Addie would whisper in Vivi's ear about something and they would just giggle together! It was adorable to watch!

Vivian's been on a roll this week with the funnies! After all the talk of Rhett's allergic reaction to the ponies at the Pumpkin Patch she asked us one day if she was allergic to anything. We told her no and she looked bummed and said - "I want to be allergic to something - like broccoli and carrots! Then I couldn't eat them ever could I??" I have no doubts she is my child!!

During one of our dance parties this week (yes, we have them frequently at our house) Daddy introduced the girls to Beyonce's Single Ladies. It is HILARIOUS! Addie calls it the "Ladies song" and Vivi sings it: "I'm a Singing Lady, I'm a Singing Lady..."!!!! I will definitely have to capture their dance moves too! It has kept us laughing for sure!

We've been so lucky to have Daddy home for almost a week solid!! The girls and I have been spoiled but now it's back to the road with several trips off and on over the next few weeks. Daddy we will be praying for safe travel and missing you LOTS! We love you up to Jesus!!

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