Thursday, November 12, 2009

No More Diapers!!!

Big news at the Laubach house: Addison Grace is officially potty trained!!!

It started last weekend when she was at Mimi and G's house. They gave her a piggy bank and she got coins for going in the big potty. She was making serious money by Sunday!

On Monday I decided to keep it going and see what happened but when she woke up she said she wanted to wear a baby diaper until her Big Sister came in and asked her why she wouldn't want to wear big girl panties? After Vivian showed her how cute they were (and added a little peer pressure) Addie decided big girl panties was the way to go and we haven't looked back since!!! Thank you Vivi for helping make this the easiest experience ever!

Last night she had her diaper on for bedtime and she started yelling "Potty" "I need to go Potty"! I tried to explain that at night time she could just go in her diaper and when we wake up we will start over going in the big potty, her reply: "But Mommy when I go in my diaper it makes me sad, when I go in the big potty it makes me happy!" How could I argue with that?!

Yeah Addie!!! We are SO proud of you!! You rock our faces off!!

1 comment:

  1. YYYYYEEEAAAHHH AAAADDDDIIIEEE!!!!!!! Our great big little girl! Daddy is so so proud of you and so so proud of Vivi for helping and so so proud of mommy for keeping her on track! I love you!
