Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Showers & Sunshine

Last Sunday the girls and I got to go to a Shower for Aunt Manmae and Uncle Adam - or as the girls like to call it - A Party for Their Wedding! They loved getting to be big girls and join in the fun! Addie sang Happy Birthday a few times for the "party" and although there wasn't a cake and candles we did enjoy delicious cupcakes! I will spare Addie and not post the pictures of her devouring hers. But here are a few fun pictures ...

Addison and Vivian with the Beautiful Bride-to-Be Aunt Manmae!

G. Gram, Mandy, Vivian and Mimi

It was so good to see G.Gram again! It's been a while but fortunately we will get to catch up a lot and will see her again the next two weekends in a row!!
Addison and Vivian had both taken off their headbands and Addie decided they would look better on Uncle Adam! Ever a good sport he let her. You can't really see her face but it lit up!! We are so excited to have him in the family!!
Vivian, Mimi, Aunt Manmae, Mommy and Addison
And since it is near impossible to have everyone looking at the camera at the same we are again but with Vivi's smile and the back of Addie's head!
After the shower the girls and I went to "Wonderland" or Mimi and G's house to stay the night. As usual, they loved every minute. And what's not to love...they had Reese's and Kit Kats waiting on them and spent every waking moment playing hard with Mimi and G, then G read them the standard 2 hour night night story and they awoke to doughnuts and repeated the process!!! Sometimes it's hard to reconcile these two with the strict parents that raised me! I love watching them be grandparents!!

Today was beautiful outside and we were so excited to have Daddy home for the day. He got home last night from a trip to TN and left tonight for a trip to Idaho. It's back to busy season for him so we made the most of the day!

We got the girls kites this morning and I think this may have been the first day since we moved into the new house that it wasn't the slightest bit windy! Daddy gave it his best effort trying to make the kite fly for Vivi but we weren't very successful. We promised to try again soon!

Our new patio table and chairs were delivered this weekend so we ate the first of many meals outside today at lunch!
This picture doesn't capture it very well but Daddy was using the bubble wand and the girls were running all over trying to catch them. I wish you could hear them screaming and laughing. Next time I will take a video of it.

Daddy thanks for making this day so fun!! The girls and I definitely needed it. We miss you bunches. Hurry home! We love you up to Jesus!


  1. YAY! I love the new pictures. What a great picture of the Flood girls....always beautiful. Happy Easter

  2. Uncle Adam and Manmae can't WAIT to see you all!! We're so excited 3 weeks in a row!!!! Thanks Ash for rescuing me with my hair crisis. :) You truly are the greatest sis. Love the new patio furniture!! Looks BEAUTIFUL!!!
