Monday, April 25, 2011

He is Risen!

Easter is one of our favorite holidays and this year we had several celebrations!

Our flock (Sunday School class) has an annual lunch and Easter egg hunt for the kids.

Vivian loves to hold Emmy now

What a find!

Addie got to have a special party and egg hunt at her school too.

She was so funny! Instead of just grabbing every egg she saw she would walk around and be very selective. If she had a blue, she would say, I already have a blue one I'm going to find another color.

Addie with her classmates

Ms. Casey's Preschool Class

Sunday morning we started the day at church and then our family came over for lunch and fun!

Emerlyn Kate ready for her First Easter!

The girls with their Easter goodies

Emmy getting snuggles from G. Gram

The girls counting their eggs from our indoor egg hunt! The rain couldn't keep us from traditions! The "big kids" even had our hunt inside too.

As is almost always the case with celebrations at our house, the girls ended up in costumes and ready for a show!

The girls singing Rock What You Got although G helps them find the rhythm to this song!

Singing one of my favorite songs (my theme song these days), This is the Stuff!

Now that Uncle Michael and Aunt Susan are in Oklahoma and get to be here for all the family fun they've added a new element to our shows - two stepping! Here they are teaching the girls!

Father God, Thank you for sending your Son to save us!

How Awesome it is to serve a Living God!

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