Saturday, March 12, 2011

Addie's Adventures!

Addison loves Lego's! She and Papa built an entire city one day! She had so much fun with it. We even left it up for an entire week so she could play!
Proudly showing off their masterpiece!

Last week she had a Pet Parade at school and got to take her favorite animal. She chose her white dog named Collar. Collar even got a ribbon for being the "Most Obedient" animal in the parade!

We went to Mimi and G's for a quick visit and some extra hugs and kisses!

The girls got to go with Granny and Papa to watch Noah play his last basketball game of the season. The girls have so much fun playing with Paden!!

Noah and all his cheerleaders! They were so excited that Noah won his game and made lots of baskets!! He definitely has quite a fan club!

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