The weather has been crazy lately!! The girls have been praying for snow since November so they could build a snowman and God clearly answered them!!
Loving how deep the drifts were!
Vivi jumping into the snow piles!!
Last week, Mimi came up on Monday to help since Rhett was in Oregon all week. We had so much fun!! I was so thankful to have her here!! We got quite a laugh out of her Alaskan native gear she brought! She is always cold and managed to bundle up so much that she was sweating in the freezing weather!?! Awesome!
Vivian sobbed when Mimi left! I think it's safe to say they had a great week with their Mimi!!
Mimi found these face masks for the girls and they were perfect to keep them warm!
We made cookies. This is the girls helping ice the them but as soon as Mimi said they couldn't lick the knives until they were done - Addie looked at her and without missing a beat said "I'm done!" I think she'd only iced about two cookies!!
Cookies aren't complete without the sprinkles. Look at those concentration faces!
Delicious! I'm pretty sure they lasted about an hour!
We played dress up...Ariel and her best pal Flounder
Dorothy and her sweet dog Toto
Emerlyn even got to enjoy her first snow! Mimi had gotten this snowsuit when Vivian was a baby but we never took her out in it or Addie but Emmy finally put it to good use!! She was bright-eyed checking out that snow!
I don't know if it was the cat masks they were wearing but the girls kept getting on all fours and trying to eat the snow!
LOVE this picture! I was laying in the snow and flying Emerlyn in the air and she was smiling and laughing so Mom ran and laid down by me to take pictures. That is the most gorgeous blue sky in the background!!
Mimi and the girls tried to build a snow man but it started out as a snow throne! And then the middle was too heavy to lift so they made a small one but I didn't even get a picture before he was tackled!!
Here we are snowed in for a second week! This was a pajama day! We stayed snuggled in and never even got dressed but we did have fun with the camera!!
Vivian loves to hold Emerlyn and now wants to hold her like we do. She does such a good job being careful with her.
Addison wants to do the same thing but she lasts about five seconds before she says "she's heavy"!So many people are sick of the snow days and while we are so much more productive with a routine, I have loved every minute of these last two weeks!! How often do I get the chance to stay home in my pj's with my girls, play all our games, work puzzles and just spend time with them without needing to do so many other things!?!!
Thank you God for slowing us down, surrounding us with this beautiful snow and giving us this special time together!
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