Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Trick or Treat

Until this year we have managed to skip the trick or treating and the girls didn't really notice. Between the Pumpkin Patch and Storybook Forest they would always tell people they had already been to Halloween! But now that Vivian is in Kindergarten there was no way we were sneaking past the holiday!

Emerlyn ready for her first Halloween

Since our neighborhood only has three other families currently living out here, our sweet friends the Sage's invited us over to their house for dinner and then the Dads took the kids out trick or treating! We all brought our "cars" for the kids so they wouldn't have to walk all over the neighborhood. It was too cute!!!

I still haven't figured out all the settings on the new camera and didn't get a great shot of all of them in their cars but you can tell it was quite a caravan!! I don't know who had more fun - the kids peeling out of the driveway or the Moms laughing as we watched the Dads scramble after the cars going in all different directions!!

Can't tell if Addie is scared or already worn out?!


Happy Halloween!

Thank you Brandon, Sherry, Harper, Stella, Atticus and Nash for having us over! We had so much fun!! It was the perfect way to spend the evening!

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